Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Where is the Media?

It seems that only Lou Dobbs of CNN has the guts to run the story that members of the US, Canadian and Mexican governments are trying to give their country’s democracy away without consulting the people who elected them in the first place. Why are the other mainstream media so silent when it comes to the largest news item of this century? Folks they are trying to form the ‘North American Community’ without consulting the public in the US, Canada or Mexico. We may never have heard of it if Lou Dobbs hadn’t run the story. How dare they think they, better than anyone else, know what is best for these democratic countries. I’m not talking about the ordinary men on the street, but I’m talking about George Bush (former US President), Stephen Harper (Canadian Prime Minister) and Ernesto Martens (former Mexican President). These are elected officials and they have tried to give away their countries rights without consulting their voters. How dare they?

These heads of state and their people have been working on this for quite a while, behind closed doors, along with the Council of Foreign Relations who issued this report on the matter. There have been 2 conferences to talk about this proposed union between Canada, US and Mexico and these companies sponsored the one in Miami.

· The Council of the Americas, founded by David Rockefeller
· The Americas Society, Chairman David Rockefeller
· The Forum of the Americas, founded by David Rockefeller
· The Institute for International Economics, financial backer and Board Member, David Rockefeller
· Trilateral Commission, Founder & Honorary Chairman David Rockefeller
Just for your information David Rockefeller’s grandfather was a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations, which has a Socialist Agenda. Please notice that all these above sponsors are all controlled by Rockefeller and Rockefeller is controlled by the CFR doctrine, which is the doctrine of the One World Government. Their goal is to integrate the Americas by 2010.Fortunately Lou Dobbs found out about this and he’s wondering why the meetings are secret and not in a public forum. It will be interesting to see how far he’s allowed to pursue this topic. I mean these guys have some nerve. They have even gone as far as designing the new currency called the Amero and designing a toll road system which will connect all three countries.

‘The National’ a Canadian news program has run a spot about this as well, but where are the rest of the media. There should be a feeding frenzy around this story and there isn’t. Why not? There’re politician’s heads on a silver platter and only a couple of news people are biting. Who cares about Michael Jackson when people are trying to secretly give away countries. Who cares what Sarah Palin is doing or which governor is sleeping with whom when this small group of people are trying to steal whole countries? Come on News Media where are you?

Could it be because one of the founding members of the CFR bought control of the mass media? In 1917 J.P. Morgan hired 12 high ranking news journalists and asked them, “How many papers would need to be controlled to control the press in the US?” The 12 did a study and answered, “Purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.” J. P. Morgan’s group bought control of the 25 newspapers over the next four years and placed his own handpicked Editors at each to ensure editorial control. Since then the CFR has wooed media people for membership and they have been very successful. Let’s take a look at how the CFR has infiltrated other media organizations.

These are all members of the CFR.

To the left Conrad Black, former Media Mogul, is being confronted by a reporter. As you can see he doesn’t like being asked questions about the CFR or the Bilderberg Group. Yet he is a leading member. Is it any wonder why nothing about this group or their plans ever makes it as a story on the evening news? Of course this was all before he went to jail.

In Conrad Black's sprawling multi-continental Hollinger International Inc., newspapers were bought and sold like car dealerships, grocery stores or, as some of his many critics charged, real estate on a Monopoly board. With a total circulation of 4.3 million Black operated the planet's third largest newspaper empire after News Corp. and Gannett. Hollinger holdings included The Daily Telegraph of London, The Jerusalem Post, the Chicago Sun-Times, and the Montreal Gazette. Since the spring of 1996, Black had bought a controlling interest in almost 60 percent of Canada's daily newspapers and owned 60 of the nation’s 106 newspapers. After he had acquired nearly 400 newspapers in the United States since 1986, Black sold 160 of them in November 2001, reducing his U.S. circulation base by 900,000. He also sold his minority interest in Australia's John Fairfax Holdings Ltd. In October 2002, Black bought the 70,000-circulation Post-Tribune in Gary, Indiana, for a fire sale price of about $40 million. And in Canada, Black was doing nothing to discourage speculation that he would launch a new national newspaper, based in Toronto. He might have succeeded if he hadn’t gone to jail, but this shows you a small portion of the control one member of the CFR and the Bilderberg Group had over what the media reported.

Michael Eisner and Thomas Murphy are two other CFR members who merged their media giants and then made the new corporation a corporate member of the CFR. Too say that the philosophy of the CFR would not affect the decisions of the men is silly. It is like saying a Catholic would not allow anything they learned in church to affect their decisions at work in any way. However, in the case of the CFR the philosophy promotes socialism and a One World Government. The Bilderberg Group and men like Conrad Black helped promote and shape the European Economic Community into the European Union and they helped shape NAFTA, which they apparently are trying to parlay into the North American Community. They were successful once and if we’re not careful and watchful they will be successful again.

By Steve Willis

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