Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I find it odd

Most people don’t know that out of the last 12 Presidents only 2, Kennedy and Regan, were not either a member of the Masons or the Council on Foreign Relations. The Council on Foreign Relations was formed in 1921 and today has less than 4,000 members, which exert a huge amount of influence in politics around the world and in particular the United States. This small pool of people has produced 8 out of the last 12 Presidents and in the 2007 election for President all of the people running for that office, Republican and Democrat, were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. So it didn’t matter to the CFR who was elected, because they would have a say in the White House no matter what. This used to be called fixing a race, but now it doesn’t seem to matter to anyone.

I believe the reason this hasn’t been investigated by the press is that the media is controlled by the CFR (see ‘Where’s the Media’ for more information). And it doesn’t stop at the Presidency either. Out of the last 25 people to hold the position of United States Secretary of State only one of them, James F. Byrnes, was not a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Of the last 29 people holding the positions of United States Secretary of War & United States Secretary of Defense 20 of them were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. To have this much influence exerted by a small pool of less than 4,000 people seems ludicrous to me. The American people would be up in arms if they knew about this and the plans of the CFR for a One World Government.
By Steve Willis

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